The project - Sponsors
Kolyma: The white crematorium
My own resources account for the largest contribution to this project but without assistance from my sponsors it would have been impossible for me to complete my latest research expedition to Kolyma. I am most grateful to the following for their support:
Sponsors Cornelius Olesen Foundations and support Politiken Fonden Private contributors My project has received support from 38 companies and individuals. It has been very encouraging for me to have their backing and experience their interest in this important work.
There ware the most fantastic stories about the top secret "D2" (the code name within the NKVD) construction. In the literature it should be a one million citicens industial city or a nuclear research centre. The reality is that is is a big regional electricity plant near the Arkagala coal mine. The green part of the construction is the old part built by prisoners. Fidelgolts were one of them. The newer part is from the 1970'ies. Photo: Jens Alstrup 2007.